Conserving our future.

I was elected as one of seven Supervisors for the Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District in November 2016, and again in 2020, serving two years as Chair. I was the 4th woman and 2nd urban supervisor in the board’s 76-year history.


The Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District began in 1944. As a result of the development and implementation of conservation boards, the USDA provides technical assistance and limited cost share to the counties that have conservation districts. Soil & Water Conservation District boards "select conservation policy priorities which are used to develop and review environmental and natural resources legislation and secure adequate funding for natural conservation programs."

What Drives Me

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Increasing Our Tree Canopy

Trees provide a multitude of benefits to our environment and the people in our communities. We need to protect mature trees and aggressively plant new, native species to combat the steady decline of our urban tree canopy. Louisville needs to reverse lackluster legislation that favors developers and enact laws that prioritize green spaces.


Revitalizing Our Waterways

Growing up on the South Fork of Beargrass Creek, I saw firsthand how decades of carelessness and mismanagement destroyed the creek. Strides have been made in recent years to improve the health of the waterway, however, we still a long way to go in protecting Jefferson County’s largest watershed. I fully advocate for restoring the creek’s natural ecosystem while creating recreational opportunities on the creek for residents.

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Creating Accessible Food for All

Growing up, I was fascinated by the idea of victory gardens and homesteading. The idea of an individual creating a self-sustaining existence seemed like science fiction instead of reality. Unfortunately, the reality for many folks in our city and Commonwealth is lackluster or non-existent access to healthy food. By creating spaces for people to grow their own food and provide food for others, folks can have healthier, longer lives. We also need to look at our built environment and the green spaces we manufacture. Food should grow rampant and wild in public spaces, alongside native trees and shrubs.


Prioritizing Environmental Education

Deepening our appreciation of the natural world helps us make informed, responsible decisions that impact our present and our future. Urban landscapes, a global economy, and technology have placed a wedge between our understanding of connectedness on Earth. We need to instill green values within our society among folks of every age, race, and status. I strongly believe in educating our youth about our natural world at an early age so they will have the lifelong power to protect it. I believe in providing educational opportunities for adults because when people are connected, they care.

Keep exploring.